Professional Indemnity Insurance that applies to ALL commissions.

C W Johnson Limited are regulated by RICS and maintain a professional indemnity insurance scheme as required by Rule 9 of the RICS Rules of Conduct for Firms.

C W Johnson Limited ensure that all previous and current professional work is covered by adequate and appropriate indemnity cover which meets standards approved by the RICS Regulatory Board.

A copy of our current Professional Indemnity Insurance certificate can be obtained by contacting the company here or downloaded in .PDF format from here.

A copy of our current Public and Products Liability Insurance certificate can be obtained by contacting the company here.

Arrangements to cover incapacity or death that applies to ALL commissions.

C W Johnson Limited are regulated by RICS and have arrangements in place to cover incapacity or death of a practitioner as required by Rule 12 of the RICS Rules of Conduct for Firms. Please contact C W Johnson Limited for further information.